Tuesday 9 December 2014

Feedback lesson and revision

Today's work
Your Blog posts have been marked and written feedback comments are on your last post.  

Many of you had not published blog posts, some of you had not shared work correctly from Private to Anyone with the Link.  If you are one of those students, you need to sort this out so you can be given a mark for the unit later on.

If your work was able to be marked, you have been given a mark and told how to improve your work. You now need to do as has been suggested to improve your work and comment back (click in the comment box under my comment) to say that you've done it.

When you've done the improvements to your blog posts, you need to revise all the work you've done this unit for a test next lesson.

To revise, you need to go through all your work and the teacher's presentations for all the lessons in Unit 10.
You will be expected to be able to explain how electricity creates binary coding, be able to convert binary to denary, add some binary numbers and explain how binary coding relates to file size and range of colours.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Binary revision lesson

Binary Revision lesson

If you understand the binary conversion worksheet and binary addition worksheets, then carry on with those.

If you don't, below is a link to, what I hope is, an easier, "leading you in slowly" worksheet!

Make a copy and work through the worksheet tasks. You can then share it and paste it to a Blog post for today.


When you've finished the above worksheet, have a go at the addition one in Activity 2, lesson 3.

All work to be finished by the end of the lesson so I can get marking ready for feedback next week!

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Lesson 4 Binary images

Today's tasks

1.  Share your 2 spreadsheets (Anyone with the link) and paste the 2 links to your Blog post.

2.  Explain that images are made up of pixels in a bitmap.

3.  Explain how the number of pixels relates to the size of the image file.

4.  In terms of file size (or memory), what do the binary numbers '1' and '0' represent?

5.  Write down how many bits are in a byte, how many bytes in a kilobyte, how many kilobytes in a megabyte - in full sentences.

6.  How does the number of bits relate to the number of colours available?

Finish this for homework.  It needs to be done by your next lesson!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Unit 10 Electricity and Information - Lesson 2 Logic gates

This lesson is all about logic gates.  There are millions of these in a computer processor and they are used to make decisions.

Your work
1.  Watch the video
2.  Open Activity 1 worksheet and go to File - Make a copy.  Answer the questions on your copy of this worksheet.  Share it with me and Mr Surrall and paste the link onto your Blog post for this lesson.
3.  Open Activity 2 worksheet (in Activity 3 section!) and make a copy of it as before.  Answer the questions on your copy of this worksheet.  Share it with me and Mr Surrall and paste the link onto your Blog post for this lesson.
4.  Give your Blog post a title.
5.  Under the 2 pasted links, explain what logic gates are used for (see the teacher's presentation for hints).
6.  Publish your Blog post at the end of the lesson.

If you don't finish this work in the lesson, please make sure it is finished for homework ready for your next lesson

From looking at your work, some of you are struggling on the logic gates.  Hint:  AND gate - if one input is a 0, then output is always 0.  OR gate - if one input is a 1, then output is always 1 (one and OR begin with the same letter)

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Unit 12 - Python lesson 3 Selection

This lesson is about selection where the computer will make a different response according to different results to a set of variables.

Written work 1
Print screen your Code Academy programs and paste to a Google doc as you work through those tasks.  Give this doc a sensible name.

Written work 2
You drew up a flow chart in the lesson for the following scenario: 

  • A user enters their password.
  • The computer checks to see if the password is correct.
  • If the password is correct then they are allowed access.
  • If the password is not correct then they are denied access.

Draw this flowchart on a Google presentation (it's easier to draw shapes in this application than in a doc).

Share the presentation (Anyone with the link), copy the URL and paste it to a Blog post for this lesson.  Don't forget to highlight the URL text and click on the blue Link button!

Remember to give your post a title please!

Written work 3
Below your presentation link, explain what selection is - in your own words!  You can use the teacher's presentation for lesson 3 to remind you.

Written work 4
Share your Google doc of Code Academy screenshots (Anyone with the link) and copy/paste the URL to your Blog post as well.

Now click Publish!

Well done.  Thank you :-)

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Unit 12 - Python Lesson 2

For this lesson, this is the work I need you to show on a new Blog post:

1.  Title your post the same as this one

2.  On a new Google doc (also called the same as this Blog post), paste a print screen of all your Code Academy programming for this lesson and explain what you are doing.  Talk about the variables you are using in each program.

3.  In your explanations, include notes about RAM and how it temporarily stores data.  

4.  Remember - details = marks!

5.  Share your Google doc (Anyone with the link) and paste the link to your Blog post.  Don't forget to add the blue hyperlink to it on your post!

Monday 24 March 2014

Building a computer

This is the work you need to write up on your Blog for this lesson:

1.  Write down 3 risks of injury that could result from building a computer and how you can avoid them

2.  Write down what the following parts of a computer do:

a) Hard drive
b) Sound card
c) RAM
d) CD-Drive
e) Motherboard
f) Processor
g) Graphics card
h) Network card
i) Computer case

This link may help... https://sites.google.com/site/mrhaltonsictwebsite/year-7-ict/lesson-7-inside-a-desktop-computer

but I do not want the information just copied or, even worse, copy/pasted from the website, please!

Monday 17 March 2014

Building a computer lesson 4 - The Processor

For your Blog notes you need to write about the following (use the teacher's presentation to help you):

1.  What is the computer processor?

2.  What does it do?

3.  How many tasks can the processor carry out at one time?

4.  How does it manage to do lots of tasks?

5.  What does the "speed of a processor" mean?  How is it measured?

6.  How many instructions per second can a 1Hz processor execute?

7.  Which is faster - a 5MHz or a 2GHz processor?

8.  Share your Processor Activity 2 worksheet and copy/paste the link on your        post.

9.  Publish when finished!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Building a computer Lesson 3 - input and output devices

These are the notes you need to make on this lesson's Blog:

1.  Open Activity Sheet 2 in Lesson 2 - Horses for Courses and make sure you click 'File' - 'Make a copy' before you start working on it!  It will automatically save to your Google Drive. Complete the worksheet and leave it open until you have completed Task 4 below.

2.  Make a new post on your Computing blog and title the post the same as this Blog title.

3.  Share your Horses for Courses worksheet (change Private to Anyone with the link).  Copy/paste the link address to your post.  Don't forget to highlight the link text and click on the blue Link button.

4.  When it's finished, click Publish.  

Monday 3 March 2014

Building a computer - Lesson 2 Binary and storage

Here is the work that you need to do.  (You can look at the teacher's presentation in lesson 3 of the Building a Computer unit for help).

1.  Open a new post on your Computer Science blog and title the Post the same as this one.

2.  Explain how computers use binary code?

3. What numbers in binary code represent the electric current inside the computers being turned off and on (don't forget to say which is on and which is off!)

4.  Write a short description of the activity you did with torches sending messages to each other.  What was that activity trying to show?

5.  Explain why the more "bits" that are in a code give more colours (this is from your Binary Images spreadsheet work - paste a link to your spreadsheet on your blog post and finish all pages of it for homework). 

6.  Write down the information from the teacher's presentation, slide 8, listing the different units of data storage (bits, bytes, etc).

7.  Can you think of anything from lessons we've done before that link in with this lesson on binary?  Write down how it links in. Clue - robotics unit.........

7.  When you have done all the work above, click Publish!  :-)

8.   If you don't finish this in the lesson, you'll need to either finish it at lunchtime or at home.  Deadline is by the end of the weekend, ready for next lesson! 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Building a computer - Lesson 1

Your post for this lesson needs to include the following:

1.  List the 4 different types of hardware and try and give an example for each

2.  Give a definition for hardware and software, plus an example for each.

3.  Share your mobile phone drawing and paste the link on your post for this lesson.  Make sure you have labelled all the amazing features and stated whether it is input, output, processor or storage.

4.  Don't forget to click Publish when your work is finished!

Monday 3 February 2014

Robotics Assessment - Lesson 3 Evaluation

This is the final lesson on writing up your assessment.

Look at the teacher presentation in Lesson 7 on the Robotics Unit in Year 7, Learning Computing.  Slide 3 on the presentation will give you some guidance as to what to write on the Robotics Assessment post you have already started and saved.  Remember you are not writing a new post, just continuing with the previous one!

You should already have on your Robotics assessment post the write-ups from the planning lesson and the  practical lesson. 

At the end of this lesson your Robotics assessment post should have the following things on it:

1.  A correctly shared Route map through the arena showing the direction your robot was going to take, where it started and ended and reasons for choosing that route.

2.  A correctly shared diagram of your programming flow chart (remember extra marks are available for using decision diamonds and/or sub routines).

3.  A description of your successes and failures in the practical, how well your team worked together and any problems with the teamwork (no names, please!).

4.  A description of how you could improve your success by improving the programming to compensate for any robot inaccuracies, robot problems, measurements of the arena, how the team worked, etc.

The greater the detail - the greater the marks!!  Impress me!

Once this is all done to the best standard to you can, publish!

Monday 27 January 2014

Robotics Assessment - Lesson 2 Practical

This lesson you will be programming your robot to try and knock down as many tubes as possible in the arena.

On your Blog you need to keep a tally of how many tubes you knock down at each attempt and make notes on your successes, your failures, problems and how you solved/attempted to solve them.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Robotics Assessment - Lesson 1 Planning

Here is the link to the Robot arena diagram for your robot programming.  It doesn't matter which end your robot starts from - just try and program it to knock all the tubes down in the easiest route and quickest time!


Good luck!

Here is a link to the photo


You need to:

1. From the plan of the arena, work out the simplest, shortest and quickest route to knock down as many tubes as possible.

2. In Google Draw, draw out a flow chart for your chosen route.  Remember that 1 wheel rotation is approx 15cm foward movement.

3.  Share this (Anyone with the link), Save and copy/paste the blue weblink to your Blog post.  Don't forget to highlight the link text and click on the blue Link button in your toolbar at the top.

4.  When you've done this Save your post - DO NOT PUBLISH IT YET!!!!

Monday 13 January 2014

Robotics - Lesson 2 - Selection

Selection lesson notes

For your Post for this lesson you need to:

1.  Explain what Selection means and give an example of how it can be useful (I used logging on to the network as my example)

2.  In Google Draw - draw your flow chart for the lesson's challenge (move forward 1 rotation if not touching anything, turn around if touching something).

3.  When this is finished, share your flowchart (Anyone with the link) and copy/paste the link to your Blog post (don't forget to highlight the link text and click on the blue Link button).

4.  Say whether you managed to get your Wall-E to follow the program and work correctly.  Any problems?  Say what they were and how you overcame them.

5.  Copy and paste the photo of your group's Wall-E program onto your post - the photo will be in your teaching group's shared folder in Google Drive.

6.  When all this is done - Publish your post!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Robotics - Lesson 1 Blog notes to write up

Hi Everyone

Here is the list that I put on the board with the points I need you to write about today's lesson.  To recap, you wrote a flow chart showing the instructions for a robot to move in a square and then you had to program your Lego Mindstorm (Wall-E) to move in a square.

I need you to:

1.  Explain what you had to do
2.  Describe the success you had
3.  Describe any problems you had
4.  Describe the improvements you'd like to make if could have another go
5.  Describe how you'd like to extend that activity if you could have another go.

This write up needs to be completed ready for next lesson!

If you have any problems with this come and see me BEFORE next lesson!

 Ms W  :-)

How to add a link to a shared doc in Google Drive

Hi Everyone

Here is a link to a shared help sheet that explains how to add a link to a shared Google doc onto your Blog


If you still don't understand or are unable to do it - COME AND SEE ME!!  I don't bite!

Ms W   :-)